Self-regulation and self-development of the personality of students in the physical culture and sports activities of the university


PhD A.A. Opletin
Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), Perm

Keywords: self-regulation, sport, students.

Introduction. Most researchers understand self–regulation as an independent, purposeful influence of a subject on his mental state and his psychomotor skills, carried out in order to optimize his psychological and physical resources and thereby increase the effectiveness of his own activities [1, 2].
The purpose of the study is to identify the level of self-regulation of the emotional state, self-development of university students in the classroom of the FKiS.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study identified two types of self-regulation: verbal and nonverbal. Verbal ones include auto-suggestion, self-persuasion and self-accusations. Nonverbal – exercises that are not related to verbal formulations that help to concentrate on winning and reduce emotional stress – such as breathing exercises, neuromuscular relaxation, pedagogical auto-training, socio-pedagogical training, visualization method, ideomotor training.
120 1st-year students of the Perm State Institute of Culture took part in the experiment, who made up the control (KG) and experimental (EG) groups. An experimental program was used in the EG, which includes techniques of mental self–regulation: "emotional volitional training" – M.G. Debolsky, V.I. Pozdnyakov, A.I. Ushatikov; "psychoregulatory training" – L.D. Giessen; "psychological training" - L.A. Petrovskaya; "self-confidence training" – A.M. Parishioners; "self–healing and self-creation training" - V. Kharkiv; "socio-pedagogical training" – A.A. Opletin, A.S. Novoselova; "universal warm–up system" - A.A. Opletin. The technique of purposeful self-action on the mental state, behavior and vegetative functions of the student's body, carried out as part of the training, consisted in the fact that the student with the help of special exercises developed a state of physical and mental rest, plunging into a state of relaxation. Against the background of relaxation, with the help of verbal formulas of suggestion and autosuggestion, it became possible to influence various functions of the body and psyche, including those that were not subject to normal regulation.
The results of the study and their discussion. In EG, there were significant shifts in the field of self-management by their behavior in extreme situations, in FC classes during competitions, compared with KG, the difference was 17.75% (p<0.01).
Conclusion. The competent use of self-regulation and self-development methods involves taking into account the specifics of the specific situation in which these methods are used, as well as taking into account the individual psychophysical characteristics of students who use these methods in practice.


  1. Lubysheva, L.I. Structure and content of sports culture of personality / L.I. Lubysheva, A.I. Zagrevskaya // Theory and practice of physics . culture. - 2013. – No. 3. – pp. 7-16.
  2. Opletin, A.A. Pedagogical auto-training at physical culture classes / A.A. Opletin // Theory and practice of physics . culture. - 2015. – No. 4. – pp. 36-39.