Motor activity of young sprinter runners in a special environment taking into account the individual psychophysical state


Dr. Hab., Professor S.S. Dobrovolsky1
PhD, Associate Professor G.G. Ilemkov1
PhD, Associate Professor O.N. Shmonina1
1Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk

Objective of the study was to improvement of motor activity of young runners in an effective environment, taking into account their psychophysical state.
Methods and structure of the study. Young runners aged 14-15 years old took part in the experimental study, using the methods of video analysis of running, VALEO technology (vegetative anatomical and physiological logotopy of natural organs), VibraMed, a system for analyzing the psychophysiological and emotional state of a person, and traditional testing. Simulators have been developed that create a special environment in which young athletes can improve their sprinting.
Results and conclusions. The psycho-emotional state of "successful" runners is characterized by higher values of self-regulation, energy, balance, they have less anxiety and stress, which indicates the ability of athletes to mobilize all forces and resources for effective competitive activity.
Motor improvement in an effective environment should be based on the level of technology, taking into account the mechanical, biological and psychological processes occurring (or planned) in the motor activity of a young athlete.

Keywords: readiness, preparation, competition, psychophysical state, sprinting, control, simulators.


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