Effects of percutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation on kinematic and electromyographic parameters of high-speed cyclic movements


Postgraduate student M.G. Barkanov1
Dr. Biol., Professor R.M. Gorodnichev1
PhD S.A. Moiseev1
PhD, Associate Professor V.N. Shlyakhtov1
1Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sports, Velikiye Luki

Objective of the study was to reveal the effect of transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the spinal cord, applied during certain periods of the running cycle, on the coordination structure of high-speed cyclic movements.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiments involved nine practically healthy male athletes aged 18 to 23 years. The subjects performed pushing the passive treadmill for 10 seconds without stimulation and for 10 seconds with multisegmental stimulation of the spinal cord at the levels T11-T12 and L1-L2. Stimulation at the level of T11-T12 was applied during the transfer period, and during support, the legs stimulated the area L1-L2.
Results and conclusions. Multisegmental stimulation of spinal cord structures increased the duration, speed, and distance of anthropometric points of body segments during the transfer period. It was found that stimulation in the area of L1-L2 vertebrae during the stance period caused an increase in EMG activity of the extensor muscles VL and GM, and stimulation in the area of T11-T12 vertebrae during the transfer increased the electrical activity of the flexor muscles BF and TA during the transfer period.

Keywords: transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation, electromyography, spinal cord, running step.


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