Model characteristics of indicators of technical and tactical readiness of sambo wrestlers of the first sports category and candidates for master of sports


Dr. Hab., Professor S.V. Galitsyn1
PhD, Associate Professor P.A. Tkachenko1
Postgraduate student V.V. Bukharkov1
1Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk

Objective of the study was to identify model characteristics of indicators of technical and tactical readiness of athletes based on the analysis of the performance of sambo wrestlers of the first sports category and candidates for master of sports in competitions.
Methods and structure of the study. A video analysis of the competitions of the championship of the Khabarovsk Territory of sambo wrestlers of three weight categories was carried out: light (weight - up to 53 kg, up to 58 kg, up to 64 kg), medium (weight - up to 71 kg, up to 79 kg), heavy (up to 88 kg, up to 98 kg). kg and over 98 kg). To assess the indicators of technical and tactical readiness, the technique of E.M. Chumakov, which allows, through the analysis of tactical and technical actions in the process of watching videos of athletes' fights at competitions, to obtain information about technical and tactical indicators.
Results and conclusions. Based on the results of the study, approximate model characteristics of the indicators of technical and tactical readiness of sambo wrestlers of the first sports category and candidates for master of sports were determined according to such criteria as activity, variability, the ability to perform techniques in different directions, the effectiveness of attack techniques, the effectiveness of attacks based on the analysis of their competitive meetings. at the championship of the Khabarovsk Territory among boys and girls.

Keywords: technical and tactical readiness, sports and technical skills, variety of techniques used, efficiency, variability, effectiveness, model characteristics.


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