Planning of physical training of qualified volleyball players in the preparatory period based on block periodization


PhD A.V. Losev1
PhD, Associate Professor V.Yu. Losev1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to increase the efficiency of speed-strength training of qualified volleyball players in the preparatory period based on the block model of periodization.
Methods and structure of the study. During the preparatory period of qualified volleyball players, speed-strength training was carried out on the basis of a block model of periodization, including storage and transforming blocks. The study involved 10 qualified volleyball players who competed in major league B, major league A.
Results and conclusions. The task of the accumulative block was to create a foundation of significant functional and physiological changes associated with the development of the strength of volleyball players for the further effective development of speed-strength abilities.
The task of the transforming block of periodization is the transformation of the created foundation of strength readiness into its implementation in speed-strength abilities.
In the process of experimental work, it was revealed that the use of the developed modular technology of speed-strength training in the preparatory period has a significant positive effect on the manifestation of strength and speed-strength abilities, and also has a prolonged effect on their manifestation in the long term (p<0.05).

Keywords: volleyball, speed-strength abilities, periodization, modular technology.


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