Features of building a yearly training session for kickboxers


PhD, Associate Professor K.V. Shestakov1, 2, 3
1Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa
2Regional public organization "Kickboxing Federation of the Republic of Bashkortostan", Ufa
3Sports School No. 24, Ufa

Objective of the study was to identify features in the structure and content of the annual training cycle of kickboxers, taking into account the patterns of acquisition, preservation and temporary loss of sports form.
Methods and structure of the study. Based on the systematic control of training loads, data were collected on the construction of a one-year training session for kickboxers aged 17-18 (n=20) of the youth kickboxing team of the Republic of Bashkortostan. In the study for accounting, analysis
and planning of physical activity, the technique of A.V. Chernyak, G.I. Mokeeva, Yu.B. Nikiforov. The duration and intensity in the groups of exercises performed in the course of a one-year training session, as well as the nature of the distribution of the load volume by intensity zones, the features of planning the load parameters in classes, cycles, and stages were evaluated.
Results and conclusions. When studying the influence of training loads on the effectiveness of training junior kickboxers in the annual training cycle, it was found that it is advisable to manage the process of preparing for the main competitions on the basis of two macrocycles. When planning a two-cycle annual training, it is necessary to take into account the factors that affect the effectiveness of training: indicators of the total load of the annual cycle, the nature of the distribution of load parameters over the stages of the annual cycle, groups of exercises and intensity zones.

Keywords: kickboxing, annual cycle, sports training.


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  2. Shestakov K.V. Postroenie trenirovki kikbokserov-yuniorov vysshih razryadov na predsorevnovatelnom etape podgotovki [Building a training session for junior kickboxers of the highest ranks at the pre-competitive stage of preparation]. PhD, diss. abstract. NSU physics. cult., sports and health them. P.F. Lesgaft. St. Petersburg: NGU im. P.F. Lesgafta publ., 2009. 24 p.
  3. Shestakov K.V., Mokeev G.I. Etapnyj kontrol v podgotovke kikbokserov [Stage control in the training of kickboxers]. Aktualnye problemy fizicheskoj kultury, sporta i turizma [Actual problems of physical culture, sports and tourism]. Proccedings International research and practical conference. Ufa, 2017. pp. 318-322.