Dynamics of heart rate variability indicators in the process of attention training in athletes-highly qualified shooters


Dr. Med., Professor A.L. Korepanov1
Dr. Med., Professor Yu.V. Bobrik2
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Titarenko2
PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Ponomarev2
1Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol
2V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol

Objective of the study was to identification of the dynamics of heart rate variability indicators during a 10-day training of attention in athletes - shooters of high qualification in bullet shooting.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved 23 highly qualified sportsmen-shooters (men) - masters of sports and candidates for masters of sports (bullet shooting) at the age of 17-28 years. ECG registration and analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) parameters were carried out using the Poly-Spectrum computer multifunctional complex.
Results and conclusions. The study showed a significant improvement in the quality of attention and a change in the autonomic balance of the nervous system of athletes towards an increase in parasympathetic tone and an increase in the role of the autonomic circuit in the regulation of heart rate after training.
The established increase in the role of the autonomous circuit of heart rhythm regulation and the increase in the specific weight of parasympathetic influences on the heart rhythm reflects the processes of formation of the optimal balance of regulatory systems and corresponds to the main direction of sports training - an increase in the adaptive potential of an athlete due to training of the autonomous circuit of regulation - the higher the activity of the autonomous circuit, the higher adaptive, including sports reserve.

Keywords: heart rate variability, attention training, bullet shooting, adaptive potential.


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