Mobile and sports games as a means of forming the professional competence of students of automobile and road specialties


PhD, Associate Professor I.S. Moskalenko1
PhD, Professor K.N. Dementiev1
1Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to theoretical substantiation and experimental verification of the effectiveness of the use of mobile and sports games according to simplified rules in physical education classes with students of the automobile and road specialties of the university for the development and improvement of physical, psychophysiological and professionally significant qualities.
Methods and structure of the study. The pedagogical experiment was attended by young students of the automotive and road faculty of Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering consisting of 80 people, divided into experimental and control groups of 40 people each. At physical culture lessons in the experimental group, mobile and sports games were used according to simplified rules, aimed at developing students' dexterity, fine motor coordination, speed, strength and strength endurance; resistance to concentration, switching and redistribution of attention. In addition, the games ensured the improvement of emotional stability, a sense of collectivism, and communication skills.
Results and conclusions. All indicators of physical development, functional and psychophysical state of students of the experimental group studied during the pedagogical experiment improved. This fact testifies to the high adaptation of students to the transfer of physical activity. The authors conclude that the formation of professionally significant qualities of students of automobile and road specialties of higher educational institutions can be carried out in the process of practical classes in physical culture using outdoor and sports games according to simplified rules.

Keywords: physical culture, professional competencies, sports and outdoor games.


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