Fractal structure of ESG competencies for the use of physical culture and sports in the fight against pandemic stress


Dr. Hab., Professor V.I. Grigoriev1
PhD, Associate Professor E.G. Vakhnina2
PhD, Associate Professor N.N. Sazonova2
PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Novikova2
1Saint Petersburg State Economic University, Saint Petersburg
2Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to development of a fractal model of ESG competencies for the use of physical culture and sports resources as a regulator of social relations caused by pandemic stress.
Methods and structure of the study. The synthesized model of ESG competencies is based on the assessment of the effectiveness of disruptive technologies of physical culture used in the training of 240 students aged 18.1±0.4 years. The pace of transformation of the physical condition and quality of life of students in a pandemic was assessed using the questionnaire "Quality of Life" – sf-36. The resistance of the body to physical activity was carried out using the replicators PWC170, IOC, SOC, heart rate, and blood pressure.
Results and conclusions. The platform of ESG-competencies, commensurate with the natural essence of a person, has been synthesized. It defines the meanings and potential scenarios for the use of disruptive technologies of physical culture in the regulation of social relations, improving the quality of life and the resistance of students to pandemic factors. There are three segments in the structure of the ESG platform. The Environmental (E) segment focuses on competencies aimed at increasing the creative activity of the individual with the help of disruptive practices. The social (S) segment includes competencies that stimulate the social responsibility of universities for the health of students. The Governanc (G) segment focuses on competencies that improve the quality of student management. It has been proven that the possession of ESG- competencies reduces the sharpness of the contradiction between the alienation of students from the resources of physical culture and the need for daily motor practice in the context of the covid pandemic.

Keywords: alertness, disruptiveness, predictor, reparativity, explaining, high-tech.


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