Differentiation of physical readiness of students on the basis of complex testing


PhD, Professor A.V. Karavan1
Dr. Hab., Professor R.M. Kadyrov2
O.A. Safonova1
1Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Saint Petersburg
2Military Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to to scientifically substantiate the methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the speed-strength qualities of students, taking into account the differentiation of their physical fitness and clustering of test exercises.
Methods and structure of the study. Complex tests included: control exercises for speed, exercises for strength, speed and general endurance. Test tasks were combined into groups of three tests each with different rest breaks. The students University took part in the research.
Results and conclusions. The conducted cluster analysis made it possible to identify groups of tests that differ in terms of the level of strength preparedness of the subjects, who at the same time have an identical level of preparedness in other tests. In applied terms, this fact is important because in this set of physical exercises, strength endurance plays a dominant role. Thus, the ability for high-intensity diverse motor activity is due to the combination of speed-strength qualities of the student, evaluated by complex tests. The content of the complex test includes groups of exercises with the dominance of one of the motor tasks.

Keywords: complex test, recovery interval, physical fitness.


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