Effect of attention properties on target free throw accuracy in student - basketball players


A.M. Karagodina1
PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Bolgov2
Associate Professor O.F. Krikunova1
1Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd
2Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd

Keywords: basketball, concentration, switchability and stability of attention, target accuracy of a free throw.

Introduction. In experimental competitive conditions, the accuracy of shots in basketball is due to the player's ability to concentrate, to mobilize at the moment of the throw, which is associated with the development of the main attention processes [1].
The purpose of the study is to identify the influence of the main properties of attention on the target accuracy of the free throw in basketball players of the student team.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study was conducted on the basis of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Sports Games of the Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture. 20 young men of the national basketball team "Titans – VGAFK" took part in the pedagogical experiment. Qualification: I–II category.
In the preparatory period of sports training, the Bourdon-Anfimov proof-reading test performed against the background of interference was used to set the level of attention. As a study of the special properties of attention, as well as as a means of training attention, three exercises using free throws were used: 1 – to develop concentration of attention. The throw was considered effective under the condition of a "clean" hit without touching the ball of the ring or shield; 2 – switchability of attention. Throws were performed in series with switching attention to the front arm of the ring and the middle of the aiming square on the shield; 3 – attention stability. Throws with self-selection of the ball with an emphasis on the correct technique of selection. In this exercise, there is an increase in the intensity of the load, which is a knocking factor. The duration of each exercise is 2 minutes.
The results of the study and their discussion. As a result of the experiment, the concentration of attention increased from K1 = 2.7 units to K2 = 6.0 units, switchability decreased from C1= 37.5% to C2 = 25%, stability (viewing speed in 5 minutes) increased from A1= 2.6 zn/min to A2= 4 zn/min. Special testing revealed the following: the number of throws increased by 11.2%, of which the effective ones were 9.8% higher. The data obtained indicate an increase in the effectiveness of free throws by means of developing the basic properties of attention.
Conclusions. Included in the training process of basketball players, special exercises with throwing the ball into the ring lead to an improvement in the basic properties of attention, provided that it is focused on various landmarks, switching to others and the use of confounding factors, including physical exertion.


  1. The study of the factors of the effectiveness of free throws in student basketball teams / I.I. Taran, A.G. Belyaev, R. Vinogradov, etc. // Scientific notes of the P.F. Lesgaft University. – 2017. – № 3 (145). – Pp. 214-217.