Physical education means to build key skills of mountain rescue


PhD, Associate Professor Y.A. Dubrovskaya1
Dr. Hab., Professor G.V. Rudenko1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Izotov1
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to analyze benefit of a new mountain rescuing skills training model complementary to physical education service at mining university.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed the valid mountain rescuing training systems and mountain rescuing fitness standards and practical training experiences with application of simulators for paramilitary mountain rescue teams (2013 to 2018) to select the most beneficial special training exercises applicable in the regular physical education classes at mining university irrespective of specialties. The exercises were designed to train the basic physical techniques from the training systems of the mountain rescuing and emergency services at training centers in mines and landfills.
Results and conclusion. We recommend the mountain rescuing basics training model as complementary to the physical education curricula for students majoring in the Technological Safety and Mine Rescue under 21.05.04 Mining Engineering specialty since the first academic year, with necessary adaptation of the physical education curricula. The mountain rescuing basics training model will efficiently train students for potential emergency situations in their service in mines.

Keywords: special physical training, mountain rescuing skills training model, physical exercises, mining engineer, mine-rescuer.


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