Organization of academic physical education based on online information educational environment


PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Pakholkova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Panchenko1
PhD, Associate Professor G.V. Zarodnyuk1
Dr. Hab., Professor A.A. Somkin2
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg State Film and Television Institute, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of a distance education technology course in the academic physical education and sports curriculum at a physical-education-and-sports-unrelated university.
Methods and structure of the study. We developed and implemented in the St. Petersburg State Film and Television Institute physical education and sports curriculum the interactive distance education technology using the H5R online service on Moodle online learning platform.
Results and conclusion. The interactive distance education technology course complementary to the physical education and sports curriculum was tested beneficial for academic progress guidance and efficiency during one semester. It is important that the modern distance education technologies offer a highly efficient progress test toolkit and facilitate the self-learning motivations and self-control and management skills.

Keywords: unrelated university, Moodle online learning platform, distance education technology, progress scoring system.


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