Development of coordinating abilities in primary schoolchildren at physical education lessons


PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Shilenko1
PhD, Associate Professor T.N. Petrova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.K. Talantseva1
A.I. Platunov2
1Chuvash State Agrarian University, Cheboksary
2National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent

Keywords: coordination abilities, physical education, primary school age.

The purpose of the study is to develop and justify a set of exercises for the development of coordination abilities of younger schoolchildren in the framework of the third lesson of physical culture.
Methodology and organization of the study. A pedagogical experiment was conducted with the participation of two groups of subjects. The experimental group (EG) included girls of the 3rd grade (14 people), with whom classes were conducted in a class-class form (2 hours) and 1 hour in conditions of additional education using a set of exercises developed by us. The control group (KG) consisted of girls of the 3rd grade (16 people). This group attended only physical education classes according to the curriculum (3 hours) and the work program on physical education. The pedagogical experiment was conducted during the first three quarters of the 2019-2020 academic year.
In the first quarter, the experimental group focused on outdoor games, relay races, overcoming the obstacle course around the perimeter of the gym (jumping over a stretched rope, running on a gymnastic bench or crawling under it, running around various objects, hitting the ball on target, etc.) [3]. In the second quarter, rhythmic gymnastics and aerobics lessons were conducted with musical accompaniment [1]. In the third quarter, the emphasis was on the use of general developmental exercises (it was supposed to mirror the exercise and memorize complex exercises for 8-16 counts), jumping rope, balance exercises (standing on one leg, with hand movements, standing on a low gymnastic beam, with eyes closed on the floor), as well as outdoor ball games [2].
The results of the study and their discussion. The greatest increase was noted in maintaining balance on one leg "Swallow" (45%). In the coefficient of long jumps, the increase was 38%, in the "Obstacle Course" - 20.6%, in the motor-coordination bundle - 21%.
In KG, there was also an increase in all tests, but it was less significant than in EG. In the coefficient of long jumps, the increase was 25%, in the "Obstacle Course" – 8.8%, in the motor coordination ligament - 8.1%, in keeping balance on one leg "Swallow" - 12.4%.
Conclusion. The conducted experiment showed an improvement in the indicators of coordination abilities in younger schoolchildren due to the use of the developed experimental set of physical exercises for the third hour. There is also an increase in the interest of girls in physical education in general.


  1. Dynamics of endurance indicators in female students engaged in fitness aerobics / O.V. Shilenko, N.N. Pyanzina, T.N. Petrova, etc. // Theory and practice of physics. culture. 2020. No. 7. pp. 33-35.
  2. Orlov A.I., Talantseva V.K. Informative criteria for assessing the state of the vestibular apparatus of university students // Theory and practice of physics. culture. 2021. No. 2. pp. 40-42.