Effect of regular physical activity on functional status in asthenia


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.S. Makhov1
Dr. Med., Dr. Biol., Professor I.N. Medvedev1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

Keywords: asthenia, physiology, health improvement, muscle activity, physical activity.

Introduction. Asthenic condition, which leads to a significant decrease in the overall viability of the body, is very common among modern youth, especially among girls, often accompanied by vegetative-vascular dystonia and other disorders of the cardiovascular system [1]. For this reason, the search for options for improving the health of people with asthenia remains relevant.
The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the author's version of the rehabilitation of adolescents with signs of asthenia.
Methodology and organization of the study. 54 teenage girls (13-14 years old) were observed, who were divided into three groups of 18 people each. The girls of the first group had optimum health and formed a control group. The persons who made up the second and third groups had asthenia during the last four months. For rehabilitation in the second group of girls, a traditional version of wellness was used, consisting of water procedures in the pool twice a week for 30 minutes, daily walks in the fresh air for 1.5 km at a rhythm of 1 km in 5 minutes, morning and evening gymnastic exercises totaling 20 minutes a day. In the third group, the author's rehabilitation technique was used, consisting of a daily wellness walk of 2.5 km in a free mode, daily yoga exercises (elongated angle, dog with its muzzle down, elongated triangle, warrior, triangle, tilts with extended limbs, plow for 2 minutes for each exercise), daily exercises to develop flexibility for 30 minutes a day. Recovery in the second and third groups was carried out for four months. At the beginning and at the end of the observation, the results of the Barbell test, orthostatic test, Gencha test were evaluated, blood pressure and pulse rate were recorded. The obtained data were processed by the Student's t-criterion.
The results of the study and their discussion. Initially, in both groups with asthenia, similar violations of the recorded indicators with the level of control were noted. In the second observed group, against the background of traditional rehabilitation, the indicators taken into account improved somewhat by the end of observation, which did not ensure their access to the control level. At the end of the study, the second group also showed an increase in systolic blood pressure by 14.6%, diastolic blood pressure by 15.6% and an increase in pulse value by 9.9%. The value of the Stange sample indicator in the second group increased by 15.7%, the Genchi sample indicator - by 16.1%. A more preferable dynamics of the parameters taken into account was achieved by the end of the observation in the third group. This was possible due to the pronounced stimulation of the resistance of the girls' body with an increase in their blood pressure level of the upper by 32.2%, the lower by 24.7% and with an increase in the pulse rate by 26.1%. At the same time, in the third group, the level of the Bar sample index increased by 39.6%, and the Gencha sample increased by 35.4%.
Conclusion. Against the background of the use of the traditional scheme of physical rehabilitation in girls with asthenia, it turns out to achieve only a slight increase in the reserve capabilities of the heart and lungs and to some extent reduce the signs of asthenia, without achieving the values of the control group. The use of the author's rehabilitation technique ensured the onset of more vivid positive changes in the body of this category of girls with the relief of signs of asthenia as a result of strong activation of their life support mechanisms. Only against the background of the author's rehabilitation, it was possible to achieve a level of control for all the indicators taken into account, which indicated the great health potential of this method of rehabilitation.


  1. Kachenkova E.S., Zavalishina S.Y., Makurina O.N., Kulkova I.V., Tkacheva E.S. Physiological Reaction of the Cardiovascular System of Men 50-59 Years to Feasible Regular Physical Activity. Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal. 2020; 13(4): 1719-1727. DOI : https://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bpj/2046.