Migration processes in Russian sports


Migration processes in Russian sports (PDF)

P.I. Vermishova1
Dr. Sc. Philos., Professor S.N. Klimov1
A.N. Setin1
1Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow

Keywords: sport, athlete, rhythmic gymnastics, migration, region.

Introduction. Sports in Russia as a socio-cultural phenomenon is undergoing a transition to a commercial mode of existence. At the same time, the process of improving sports skills is accompanied by centripetal migration.
The purpose of the study is to identify significant factors affecting migration processes in Russian rhythmic gymnastics.
Methodology and organization of the study. Instagram Facebook, comparative analysis of reports of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation from 2012 to 2020, qualitative content analysis, biographies of athletes of the national teams in rhythmic gymnastics were used.
The results of the study and their discussion. During the study of the main compositions of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics teams in the Olympic seasons (from 1996 to 2020), it was found that 89.5% of the members of the national teams are pupils of regional sports schools (Penza, Omsk, etc.) [1]. The main factors determining the migration of athletes from the regions are material and production, personnel and commercialization of high-performance sports.
Material and production factor. The provision of the region with sports facilities is an integral indicator of the standard of living and determines their physical and financial accessibility for sports. Per 100 thousand population in Russia has 213 sports facilities, which is significantly less than in Germany and Finland [3, pp. 170-171], while the training of athletes requires a complex of material and resource components.
The personnel factor. A significant intensification of the work of regional rhythmic gymnastics coaches is indicated by a comparison of the dynamics of the number of coaches and students: the number of coaches increased by 1.2 times, gymnasts - by 1.8 times [2].
Commercialization of sports. A professional athlete creates a special service - a spectacle, offering users rich and unpredictable content [4, p. 97]. In turn, mass media contribute to the growth of popularity of athletes during major competitions. Social networks allow you to monetize not only the performances of athletes, winning or unsuccessful, but also the facts of life biography, creating the potential for advertising, sponsorship contracts, professional demand after the completion of a sports career.
Conclusion. Migration serves as a social elevator for regional athletes. The most significant are material and production, personnel factors and commercialization of sports. The consequences of migration are the depletion of the personnel potential of the region, a decrease in its image attractiveness.


  1. All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics. URL: http://www.vfrg.ru / (accessed: 20.12.2021).
  2. Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. URL: https://www.minsport.gov.ru/sport/podgotovka/82/1452 / (accessed: 12/22/2021).
  3. Mityashin G.Yu. Sports facility as a factor of successful development of the regions of Russia // Science of Krasnoyarsk. 2020. Vol. 9. No. 2. pp. 166-183.
  4. Features of the preparation of an amateur athlete and a professional athlete / Sh.Z. Hubbiev, N.S. Panchuk, A.S. Sidorenko, etc. // Theory and practice of physics. culture. 2016. No. 7. pp. 96-98.