Peculiarities of psychophysiological adaptation of students to conditions of enforced self-isolation during distance learning


PhD, Associate Professor Y.S. Sergeeva1
PhD, Associate Professor T.R. Lebedeva1
PhD E.A. Lubyshev1
S.S. Kubenin1
1Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

Objective of the study was to determine the influence of the academic day in terms of distance learning during self-isolation on the psychophysiological state of students attributed to the preparatory health group.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were the 1st-year students (17-19 years old) studying at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at People's Friendship University of Russia, majoring in "Philosophy" and "Sociology". The students were split into 2 groups: Group I - boys (37 subjects) and Group II - girls (46 subjects). The study was conducted at the beginning of the academic year in the autumn and spring periods, that is, under the stressful impact the enforced self-isolation.
Results and conclusion. The study enabled to identify a "critical period" in mastering the university curriculum: the initial period of adaptation, as a response to new learning conditions for students and the proposed curricular and extracurricular workload in a non-standard format.

Keywords: distance learning, self-isolation, pandemic, psychological adaptation, adaptation, physical health, female students.


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