New training model for primary school age


PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Aleksandrova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Skotnikova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.B. Solovev1
V.I. Ovchinnikov1
1Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to pretest physical fitness of the primary school sample and develop a physical education and sports model with special individualize physical fitness elements for underdeveloped physical qualities.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the study the four-graders from five Moscow schools. The physical fitness of the sample was tested by the PQ-specific tests to rate the movement coordination, endurance, flexibility and speed-strength qualities. Based on the physical fitness test data, we developed a modular physical education and sports model with special fitness elements to improve the underdeveloped physical qualities. The physical qualities training modules were sequenced in a school year on an individualized basis.
Results and conclusion. We tested the physical fitness of the sample to detect the underdeveloped physical qualities (dominated by flexibility and strength) and developed a modular physical education and sports model with special fitness elements to improve the individual underdeveloped physical qualities. The physical education and sports model is being piloted in five Moscow schools at this juncture.

Keywords: primary school age, physical fitness, integrated wellness program, physical qualities, physical training model.


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