Demand for applied physical education service complementary to standard academic physical education curriculum


PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Milashechkina1
M.S. Gernet2
PhD student R.G. Kvyatkovsky1
N.V. Logachev3, ORCID 0000-0002-5001-8503
1Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
2Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
3State of University of Management, Moscow

Objective of the study was to survey demand for special/ applied physical education service formats complementary to standard academic physical education curricula
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the questionnaire survey 78 students trained in the elective self-defense, applied gymnastics and psychophysical fitness groups to rate their demand for the applied physical education. Physical progress of the sample was tested by the pre- versus post-experimental tests including the Romberg (s), ruler catching (cm), standing long jump (cm), fitball sitting throw (cm), and flip pull- ups (count) tests.
Results and conclusion. Every group showed progress after a yearly training in every pre- versus post-experimental physical fitness test, although progresses of the self-defense and applied gymnastics groups in the Romberg test were insignificant (p>0.5). The highest progress was achieved by the applied gymnastics group in the strength tests; self-defense group in the speed-strength tests; and the psychophysical conditioning group in the psychomotor skills test. The questionnaire survey data showed the students’ appreciating the applied physical education service as beneficial for the professional progress agendas and everyday life.

Keywords: applied physical education, students, professional service, physical culture, physical education, motor skills.


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