Nordic walking for adaptation to physical activity


PhD, Associate Professor T.E. Kopeikina1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Bykov1
1Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V.  Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk

Keywords: Nordic walking, functional state, breathing, adaptation, health, students, applied load, physical culture.

The article presents the results of the study of the functional state of the respiratory system of the student body. The studies were conducted before and after Nordic walking for two months in the conditions of applied physical culture at the university. Positive changes in the adaptation of students to physical activity and functional state are revealed.
Applied physical culture in the university is included in the system of professional training of students. Priority applied tasks are to increase the level of health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and physical culture of the personality of students. It is quite difficult for freshmen to immediately start classes with a full load, besides, most of them do not possess sufficient technical and physical qualities. In order to gradually adapt students to physical activities, a section of Nordic walking was introduced into the program material of applied physical culture. Nordic walking as a form of physical culture is very common. Moderate load in Nordic walking allows you to develop the functional systems of the body and affect the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system. Nordic walking classes satisfied the individual needs of most students. In the peculiar climatogeographical conditions of the north and the short autumn period, classes on the street of Nordic walking were held from September to November. At the first lesson, students had a Test of the Rod to determine the level of capabilities of the respiratory system of the body. Studies have shown that only 20% of students have good results, 80% - below normal. The second study was conducted after two months of Nordic walking. The results of the study in 70% of students returned to normal. A short-term study allows us to conclude that Nordic walking has a positive effect on the health of students and increases adaptation to stress and systematic physical education and sports.


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