Maximum oxygen consumption and external respiratory function in adolescent cyclists


PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Kuzmin1
PhD, Associate Professor M.N. Silantyev1
PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Chelyshkova1
1Adyghe State University, Maykop

Keywords: maximum oxygen consumption, cycling, external respiration function.

The results obtained indicate that with an increase in minute ventilation of the lungs and, accordingly, respiratory volume and respiratory rate, the maximum oxygen consumption increases and its utilization coefficient decreases. It should be emphasized that in the examined young men, an increase in minute ventilation is provided by a predominant increase in the respiratory rate, which reduces the efficiency of gas exchange. This explains the low values of FO2 in this contingent of athletes. The established patterns are associated, in our opinion, with a decrease in the residence time of air in the gas exchange zone at the peak of the load and, consequently, its insufficient diffusion through the aerogematic barrier.


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