Somatotypological characteristics in younger children and their role in sports selection


PhD, Associate Professor N.S. Bakhareva1
T.R. Yusupov1
M.V. Arutyunyan1
1Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar


Objective of the study was to determine ethno-territorial conditionality of the somatotypological and physiological characteristics of children of the first childhood period.

Methods and structure of the study. Subject to the study were the children of the first childhood period (6 years) belonging to the Slavic and Caucasian national groups. In 240 children, we measured the body length and mass, proper and current number of cardiac contractions, wrist circumference (O3), bisacromial size, body surface area, and stress tolerance index. The stress level was calculated according to the formula Sheikh-Zade (industrial patent No. 2147831).

Results and conclusions. The statistical analysis revealed that the Slavic children of the first childhood period had gender differences. The somatotypological characteristics of children of the first childhood period turned out to be the most accessible, stable and meaningful parameter. The study enabled to determine the ethno-territorial conditionality of the somatotypological and physiological characteristics of children, requiring an individual approach to sports orienteering.

Keywords: somatometric characteristics, body build types, period of first childhood.


  1. Nikolenko V.N. Somaticheskaya konstitutsiya i klinicheskaya meditsina [Somatic Constitution and Clinical Medicine]. Moscow: Prakticheskaya Meditsina publ., 2017, 254 p. ISBN 978-5-98811-443-7.