Parents’ priority demands in design of interaction between family, club and child engaged in karate


Postgraduate A.G. Baykhadzhiev1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.P. Guba1
1Smolensk State University, Smolensk


Objective of the study was to analyze the educational needs of parents in the creation of a program of interaction between a family, a sports club and a child practicing karate.

Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was conducted on the basis of the sports club of applied martial arts «Sparta», Smolensk. The main method applied was a questionnaire survey, which involved 60 parents.

Results and conclusions. We thus emphasize the need to work with parents in the educational sector. It is important to make parents not just consumers of educational services, but literate citizens who will not contravene contemporary educational standards.

Having analyzed the educational needs of the parents as well as the physical condition of the children, we came to the conclusion that the parents are not sufficiently aware of the requirements of contemporary educational standards. They enroll their children in the martial arts sports club «Sparta» to help them improve health and socialize, while sports results occupy the third place only. The absolute majority of the parents consider the interaction between the «Sparta» club and family necessary. Most of the parents see themselves as part of the coaching staff and are ready to participate in the creation of a program of interaction between the family and the club.

Keywords: family, parents, child, sports club, karate, needs and interests.


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