Coordination skills to excel ski jumping technical skills


PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Popova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.E. Ardashev1
G.Y. Prokopenko1
Postgraduate student E.D. Klimov1
1Tchaikovsky State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to offer a new coordination skills test model for the modern ski jumping sport.
Methods and structure of the study. We made a theoretical analysis for the study knowing the modern ski jumping trampoline systems and based on our practical coaching service to the national ski jumping elite. We sampled for the coordination skills tests the 10-21 year-old male ski jumpers (n=124) qualified Junior Class athletes to Masters of Sport. The sample was tested by the following tests: static equilibrium rating test on an unstable T-shape balance plate fixed parallel or perpendicular to the wall to obtain the individual Sagittal Balance and Frontal Balance test data; and the following overall coordination skills rating tests with the spatial orientation test elements: figure-of-eight shuttle sprint test; and the specific low-limb coordination skills rating 10 hurdles jump test. The resulting test data were analyzed versus the ski jumping technique scores.
Results and conclusion. The coordination skills excellence practices were found highly beneficial for progress in the modern ski jumping sport trainings and competitions at every stage of an individual sports career. Competitive accomplishments in the modern ski jumping sport heavily depend on a harmonic progress in coordination skills, with a special priority in the coordination skills trainings given to the ski jumping practices on a few trampolines with different dimensions and profiles. Such trainings are known to develop high stress tolerance and solution-finding skills in practical ski jumping competitive settings.

Keywords: ski jumping, coordination, simulation practices, flight phase, ski jumping technique.


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