Rating physical working capacity based on respiratory function


Postgraduate F.B Vashlyaev1
PhD, Associate Professor I.R. Vashlyaeva1
1Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk

Objective of the study was to identify approaches to rating physical working capacity based on the respiratory function.
Results and conclusion. For sports pedagogy, the subject of which is movements, it is advisable to single out from a large number of factors and responses that determine the physical working capacity level an indicator that would integrate multi-level responses. This indicator is energy supply: aerobic (oxidation) and anaerobic (primarily anaerobic glycolysis). It is the relationship between these two processes that determines the level of physical working capacity.
Numerous tests (since 2003) of people of different ages and physical fitness levels (from beginners to Olympic champions) have proved that the dynamics of the mentioned indicators "ventilatory capacity" and "ventilatory pulse" reflect the level of physical working capacity by demonstrating:
the presence or absence of neuromuscular fatigue;
aerobic or anaerobic type of energy supply in terms of load increment.

Keywords: тest, physical capacity, problems, power, respiration, pulse.


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