Social adaptation of sporting students: psycho-physiological health tests and analysis


Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor O.А. Makunina1
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Е.V. Bykov1
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor I.F. Kharina1
PhD, Associate Professor М.V. Svetlakova1
1Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk

Objective of the study was to test benefits of the sporting students’ social adaptation profiling psychophysiological health test system.
Methods and structure of the study. We run the psychophysiological health testing educational experiment at the Environmental Stressors and Adaptation Research Laboratory of the Ural State University of Physical Culture’s Physiology Department in 2016 through 2020. We sampled, on a voluntary random basis, the first-, second- and third-year sporting Ural State University of Physical Culture students (n=254) and tested them for ADHD symptoms by the Toulouse-Pieron test.
Conclusion. The study data and analyses found the ADHD-diagnosed sporting students more exposed to stressors. A regression analysis showed the stress tolerance and nervous system functionality tests being beneficial for the sporting students’ social adaptation profiling purposes. The study findings demonstrate the need of the ADHD-diagnosed sporting students for an efficient social adaptation tracking service. Regular physical activity is recommended as beneficial for their emotional and social adaptation progress proved associated with the academic and competitive progress. The physical education faculties are recommended using a wide range of efficient individualized training methods, models and tools customizable for the psycho-physiological test data of the health group.

Keywords: psychophysiology, social adaptation, student athletes, success, Toulouse-Pieron test, simple visual-motor reaction, heart rate variability.


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