Cardiac activity control mechanisms in 13-21 year-old male cyclists: functional resource growth analysis


Dr.Biol., Professor A.V. Shakhanova1
Postgraduate student O.A. Sazhina1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Kuzmin1
1Adyghe State University, Maikop

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of systemic cycling sport trainings for the 13-21 year-olds’ cardiovascular system functionality.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the study the 13-21 year-old cyclists (n=52) trained at an Olympic Reserve Sports School. The test data, analyses and interpretations were made as required the R.M. Bayevsky method.
Results and conclusion. Tests of the vegetative-vascular regulation showed that transformations of the heart rate vegetative-vascular regulation mechanism at every stage of ontogenesis are age-specific, in the context of the growing activity of the parasympathetic regulation component associated with the growing energy efficiency of the chronotropic heart rate function, particularly in adolescence. A highly active parasympathetic regulation component with a high stress tolerance of the cardiac activity regulation mechanisms in the junior cyclists are interpreted as indicative of the progress in the heart rate variability mechanisms and their functional resource, with special benefits for the fatigue tolerance growing with the cycling sport training experiences. The heart rate variability test data and analyses are recommended for the competitive progress forecasts and the general/ speed endurance rating and analyzing purposes.

Keywords: cardiovascular system, heart rate variability, adaptive control mechanisms, cycling sport, athletes, teenagers, young men.


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