Human resource supply and demand situation analyzing and forecasting system for national physical education and sports sector


PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Vorobev1
PhD, Associate Professor N.A. Breider1, 2
PhD A.V. Tsareva1
A.V. Malinin1
1Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture, Saint Petersburg
2Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg
3Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to test benefits of a new data analyzing system in application for the human resource (HR) supply and demand situation analyses and forecasts in the national physical education and sport sector by professions and regions.
Methods and structure of the study. In June 2020 through April 2021 we used the data analyzing system to survey the physical-education-and-sports-controlling governmental agencies, authorities and organizations, with the two surveyed expert groups representing the local authorities and physical education and sports organizations. We sampled for the data analyzing system piloting tests officers of the relevant government agencies and authorities (n= 676) and managers of the physical education and sports organizations from the Central, Volga, Ural, Northwestern, Southern, Siberian, Far Eastern and the North Caucasian regions.
Results and conclusion. The HR demand and supply monitoring system for the national physical education and sport sector was tested beneficial as it offers an updatable HR database with analytical and forecast capacities to timely profile and predict the HR flows in the sector and rate efficiency of the relevant social mechanisms, initiatives, projects, governmental agencies, businesses and social interests – in the context of the HR training and employment and national physical education and sport sector progress policies and practices.

Keywords: physical education and sports human resource supply, data analyzing system (DAS), human resource demand monitoring.


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