Postural control training model for elite judokas: tests and analysis


Postgraduate A.A Ryabov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Petrova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.F. Zekrin1
E.K. Ryabova1
1Tchaikovsky State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Tchaikovsky, Russia

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the special postural control training model of our design for elite judokas.
Methods and structure of the study. The new postural control training model testing experiment was run at "Snezhinka" Federal Winter Sports Training Center under control of the Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture team. We sampled for the study the 17-19 year-old judokas qualified Candidate Masters of Sports and Masters of Sports (CMS, MS) and split them up into RG and EG of 14 people each. Their postural control skills were tested by Stabilan-01-02 Computerized Test System with a balance plate and biofeedback capacity to read the body mass center fluctuations across the ground support spot to produce the high-precision static/ dynamic body balancing patterns [3-5, 7] with the total body mass center travel zone; front/ back/ right/ left deviations; postural control function quality; and fast redirection ratio. The stabilometric tests were dominated by the quiescent-state ones. In the postural control training model testing experiment, both groups trained for 90 minutes five times a week for three months. The EG training was complemented by the postural-control-building exercises including Tetris, Rectis, Alpine Skiing and Arkanoid with a special emphasis on the top-amplitude sagittal and frontal body mass center movement balancing elements.
Results and conclusion. The new postural control training model testing experiment showed the elite judokas (CMS, MS) in the EG making faster progress than the RG in every postural control aspect test. The Stabilan CTS tests and analyses were found beneficial for the individual progress rating and training system customizing aspects to facilitate the technical and competitive progress of elite judokas.

Keywords: judo, postural control, skill level, stabilometry


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