Role of typological characteristics of jiu-jitsu wrestlers in formation of individual fighting styles


PhD, Associate Professor A.M. Fokin1
Dr. Med., Professor P.V. Rodichkin1
M.V. Pleshivtsev1
1Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to prove by experiment the effectiveness of the program of formation of individual fighting styles in jiu-jitsu based on the wrestlers’ typological characteristics.
Methods and structure of the study. The educational experiment was conducted at the premises of the St. Petersburg School of High Sports Mastery and involved 40 jiu-jitsu wrestlers with at least 7-8 years of sports experience (sports excellence stage). Based on the athletes’ typological characteristics and individual fighting styles, 5 Experimental Groups were formed. The Experimental Group subjects were trained jointly in accordance with the Federal Sports Training Standard for jiu-jitsu. The lesson plan was drawn so that to deliver against the goals of each fighting style.
Results and conclusions. The process of jiu-jitsu training at the sports excellence stage needs to be designed based on the individual fighting styles in terms of competitions and when mastering the preferred technical and tactical arsenal of fighting techniques, with due regard to the individual abilities of each wrestler. The athletes’ technical fitness rates obtained during the study indicated the effectiveness of the training program developed based on the differentiated approach to individual fighting styles of jiu-jitsu wrestlers.

Keywords: jiu-jitsu, typological characteristics, individual fighting style, wrestlers, athletes.


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