Features of basic training in youth competitive ballroom dancing


Postgraduate A.P. Rodichkin1
Dr. Hab., Professor G.N. Ponomarev1
PhD, Associate Professor P.V. Pupkov1
1Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to experimentally substantiate the methodology of basic training of 8-12 year-olds in competitive ballroom dancing.
Methods and structure of the study. The program of basic training of 8-12 year-olds is based on the combination of physical training and dancing technique training, which builds up the technique of dance movements to the rhythms of musical accompaniment used during training and competitive activities, as well as the types of training that are an integral part of the training process.
The effectiveness of the developed methodology was tested by the educational experiment conducted on the basis of the dance sports club "Rond", St. Petersburg. Subject to the experiment were 22 dance couples, who were divided into two groups by random sampling. One group of couples made EG – 12 dance couples; the other group made CG – 10 dance couples. During the experiment, the subject’ dance technique and physical fitness levels were assessed, as well as their functional status.
Results and discussion. The experiment showed that the speed and special endurance rates in EG grew significantly higher than in CG. There were no significant changes in the level of development of the subjects’ coordination skills (changing legs and arms jumps).
The blood lactate concentration rates under identical physical loads indicated: a higher level of speed-strength glycolitic endurance in the EG dancers; the EG dancers’ ability to cope with a given task with less effort. In addition, there is reason to assume that the EG athletes could perform the tasks assigned longer than the CG ones.

Keywords: competitive ballroom dancing, special physical training, dancing technique training, basic training.


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