Development of physical qualities of students in "new normal" conditions


Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences S.F. Sokunova1
Associate Professor of Pedagogical Sciences V. P. Kosikhin2
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor I.I. Kornishin2
S.A. Frolovin2
1Federal State Educational Institution of Moscow State Linguistic University (Moscow State University), Moscow
2Russian State Agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev (RGAU-MSHA), Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop university students’ physical qualities in terms of distance learning under the physical education discipline.
Methods and structure of the study. In the context of the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), guided by the normative legal acts and methodological recommendations on the necessary preventive measures, the Departments of Physical Education of the Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy and Moscow State Linguistic University jointly developed a physical education strategy for the 2020/2021 academic year. As part of the strategy, the training sessions were conducted in an open stadium, depending on the weather conditions. The effectiveness of the developed preventive measures, pedagogical testing was conducted during the 2020/2021 academic year. Subject to the tests were the 1st-3rd-year students of the Moscow State Linguistic University and Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. The tests were designed to assess the level of development of the subjects’ physical qualities. The testing program included: 2,000 m run test for the girls and 3,000 m run test for the boys – to evaluate aerobic endurance; standing long jump test – to determine the level of development of speed-strength qualities; sit-ups for 1 min – to evaluate glycolitic endurance; push-ups – to assess strength endurance.
Results and conclusions. Today, the majority of students have a very low physical fitness level. Distance learning necessitated the development of new methodological approaches to the physical training of students, where great importance is attached to the self-control techniques, under the supervision of a teacher. 

Keywords: students, physical qualities, distance learning, forced isolation.


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