Physical activity and psychological and academic workload of students in terms of distance learning


PhD F.F. Kostov1, 2
PhD N.L. Volkova1
Dr. Med., Professor P.V. Rodichkin1
1Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
2Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to determine the effects of distance learning on the physical and psychological state of students of non-sports specialization.
Methods and structure and study. The experiment was conducted in June 2020 using Google forms. Subject to the experiment were 488 students of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics", St. Petersburg: 242 1st-year students (49.6%), 165 2nd-year students (33.8%), 81 3rd-year students (16.6%). The 4th-year students did not participate in the study.
Results and conclusions. The second question offered by the questionnaire survey form concerned the lesson plan formats preceding the pandemic. The answers to this question showed that 294 students (60.2%) attended the university physical education lessons only, which indicates a good standard of the classroom hours and a great variety of the physical activity types offered.
It was found that the physical education lessons in terms of distance learning did not provide the students with the required level of physical activity; the majority of students had low motivation for regular independent physical education and sports activities; the students’ physical fitness level significantly decreased.

Keywords: physical activity, psychological state, distance learning.


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