Post-isometric exercises and their effect on physical fitness of female students with vertebrogenic dorsopathy


PhD, Associate Professor I.E. Yudenko
Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to assess the role of post-isometric physical exercises in pain management and improvement of physical fitness of female students with vertebrogenic dorsopathy engaged in health and fitness activities within a special health group.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out at the premises of the Surgut State University and involved the Bachelor’s and Specialist’s degree course female students aged 19.8±3.5, who had been attributed to the special health group (n=31). The girls were divided into two groups: Experimental Group (n=15) and Control Group (n=16). All subjects were diagnosed with vertebral osteochondrosis accompanied by vertebrogenic dorsopathy.
The pain syndrome intensity and subjective sensations of the female students were estimated using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI); their physical fitness was rated in the tests developed for the special health group students and accepted at the Department of Physical Education. The descriptive statistics was collected using the Statistica V.10.0 package (p<0.05 was taken as a statistically significant difference).
The educational experiment was based on the analysis and evaluation of the organizational and methodological conditions for physical education of the special health group female students, as well as the effect of post-isometric physical exercises on their physical fitness rates.
The methodology of application of post-isometric physical exercises in EG (hereinafter, PIPE) was designed in such a way that the main load-related risks were eliminated during the training sessions: excess systolic and diastolic blood pressure - above 150 mmHg and 90 mmHg, respectively; increased heart rate.
During the exercises, the following were excluded: breath holding, sharp, maximum straining and simultaneous inclinations and circular movements in the cervical and lumbar spine, excessive motion amplitude and stretching of the active muscles
Conclusions. The findings proved the benefits of post-isometric physical exercises for pain management in application to the female students of the special health group. Pain relief made it possible to improve the trainees’ physical fitness level. The physical fitness rates in the Experimental Group after the experiment differed statistically significantly from the baseline in terms of three out of five indicators.

Keywords: special health group, female students, vertebrogenic dorsopathy, post-isometric physical exercises.


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