Differences in centre of mass trajectory of attacking athlete when performing forward trip in different ways


Dr. Hab., Professor A.G. Levitskii1
PhD D.A. Matveyev2
PhD, Associate ProfessorА.А. Potsipun2 
PhD O.V. Oshina2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to identify the parameters of the center of mass trajectory of attacking athletes when performing a forward trip in different ways and to assess the accuracy of the biomechanical analysis performed.
Methods and structure of the study. Video recordings showing various forward trip performance techniques were taken from the Internet. Two techniques were selected for the study: from a place without preparation and major outer reap. Both techniques were performed with no partner’s resistance. Further, the center of mass trajectory of the attacking athlete was built for each forward trip technique and their differences were assessed. The torso had the greatest error in the center of mass - ±20 conditional units. It was taken as the error of the experimental data.
Results and conclusions. The proposed method of analysis of the center of mass trajectory, despite its simplicity, is not only sensitive to the body displacement (moving the whole body one step or more, or falls) but also allows to record less significant actions, which can be seen on the video recordings (anticipatory major outer reap). The main criterion for determining the displacement of the center of mass is the ability to observe the segment movement. Herewith, zooming, coordinate grids, etc. can be used.
The data obtained are similar to the findings of the earlier studies (on other technical actions) and suggest that, in the absence of resistance during the takedown, the center of mass trajectory in the attacking athlete is generally oscillating.

Keywords: forward trip, Tai-Otoshi, biomechanics of wrestling, judo, sambo.


  1. Levitsky A.G., Matveyev D.A, Potsipun A.A., Oshina O.V. (2019) “The trajectory of the center of mass of Uke during the execution of a throw by undercut (Kouchi-Gari) in a competitive battle”, Theory and Practice of physical culture, No. 5, pp. 68-69.
  2. Levitsky A.G., Matveyev D.A, Oshina O.V., Vaganova N.V. (2020) “Analysis of the trajectories of the centers of mass of athletes in the process of completing throws through the thigh in competition”, Theory and Practice of physical culture, No. 10, pp. 74-76.
  3. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAxBWDpkfks: date of access 10.02.2020.