Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education


Dr. Hab., Professor S.S. Korovin1
PhD, Associate Professor S.L. Ageev1
PhD D.N. Samarin1
1Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg

Objective of the study was to provide methodological substantiation of the role of the field-specific physical education in the formation of cultural competences of a specialist.
Methods and structure of the study. The personality oriented and culturological approaches to the organization of educational processes using the method of literature searches, analysis and generalization served as a methodological basis of the study.
Results and conclusions. It was found that in maintaining the "human capital", one of the highest values is placed on the professional physical culture values. Among the basic types of professional physical culture is a field-specific physical education as a specially organized and specific pedagogical process of education, upbringing, and development of professionally significant value orientations, motor and personal needs and abilities of a specialist. The structure of the field-specific physical education can be represented by the following components - theoretical and methodological directions: field-specific physical education, upbringing and development, the realization of which ensures due complexity and versatility in the establishment of the essential culturological characteristics of the personality of the specialist as the subject of "human capital". The field-specific physical education contributes to the solution of tasks of optimization of the main professionally significant adaptive capabilities; correction of the physical development and professionally significant functional capabilities; development of professionally significant mental processes and their types.

Keywords: field-specific physical education, professional physical culture, specialist.


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