Individual physical culture formation in context of academic education system digitalization, with priority to physiological and hygienic issues


PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Akimova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.E. Lutovina1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Chikeneva1
1Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg

Objective of the study was to identify the future physical education teachers’ visions of occupational safety.
Methods and structure of the study. The methods applied during the study were as follows: free association, picture arrangement test, sentence fragment test, self-analysis of the levels of personal safety and future occupational safety, written questionnaire, diagnostic interviews, analysis, synthesis, and generalization of empirical material.
Results and conclusions. The future physical education teachers were found to associate (in the conceptual aspect) their occupational safety with the implementation of the socially significant values of the safe lifestyle culture (life, health, security, knowledge, labor activity), professional functions, professional competence, success in adapting to the profession. However, in the organizational aspect, their subjective position on ensuring occupational safety was not identified. In axiological terms, future physical education teachers are lost on the value of knowledge and labor activity for occupational safety, which is reflected in their lifestyle that is largely oriented on the preservation of life and health, achievement of the state of security as an area of professional responsibility of others. In the vocational training of future physical education teachers, it is required to solve the problem of integration of the occupational safety issues with the vocational training, educational work of the university, research activities of students, pedagogical practice.

Keywords: safety, physical education, future teacher, safe lifestyle culture, professional activities.


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