Chess sport and chess trainings related dissertations: research methods, key subjects and content analysis


PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Alifirov1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze the national chess training / chess sport related dissertations to systematize the key contents, priority subjects and research approaches of special contribution to and benefits for the modern chess sport science.
Methods and structure of the study. We completed a content analysis of the national chess sport / chess training related dissertations that cover a wide range chess training systems and chess training psychology and pedagogy issues for the period of 1946-2020. We classified the priority research topics by scientific branches in accordance with the valid classifier of the Higher Attestation Commission. We sampled for analysis 213 dissertations partially or fully analyzing different chess sport / chess training issues, including two Doctoral dissertations with fundamental research and problems solutions and 211 PhD dissertations focused on practical and specific chess training / chess sport issues. 
Result and Conclusion. Analysis of the national chess training / chess sport related dissertations made it possible to outline the key trends and priority subjects for research and the most efficient research approaches of special contribution to the modern chess sport science and chess training systems. Progress of the modern chess sport and chess training methods, models and tools are primarily due to the advanced new chess training technologies as demonstrated by the dissertations sampled for the study. The national research design and management approaches and cooperation of the chess sport / chess training researchers is facilitated by the established scientific schools, research teams and interests in multisided experimental studies.

Keywords: chess sport, dissertations, chess training, theoretical and practical training, chess sport science


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