Psychophysical training model for music department students


PhD, Associate Professor M.L. Listkova1
Dr. Hab., Professor L.K. Sidorov2
Dr. Hab., Professor V.V. Ponomarev2
1Omsk State Pedagogical University, Omsk
2Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev, Krasnoyarsk

Objective of the study was to test benefits of a new psychophysical training model for music department students
Methods and structure of the study. The new psychophysical training model testing experiment was run in 2012-2019, with the 18-21 years-old OSPU healthy students (n=185) sampled for the tests including 55 music department students and 130 students from other arts departments. The physical fitness tests were run in the regular physical education (PE) classes and on an off-class basis. We used the training process observations, questionnaire surveys and experiments for the purposes of the study.
Results and conclusion. The questionnaire survey found 98% and 81% of the music department group and other group (respectively) complaining spinal pains after prolonged static physical workloads. The music department group also reported a pre-concert anxiety with the heart rate (HR) tested to average 93±6 beats/ min (p <0.01) two days before and 108±7 beats/ min one hour before the concert. The group was trained to master the mental/ emotional self-conditioning skills to effectively control emotions prior to and during concerts. Furthermore, we split up the music department group into Experimental and Reference Groups of 12 people each. The Experimental Group was subject to the pre-concert mental control training model for efficient emotional balancing. In two weeks, the Experimental Group reported improvements in the post-rehearsal rehabilitation, sleeping and stress tolerance skills. The Experimental Group trainings were also complemented by the special health improvement, occupational disease prevention and stress tolerance building practices run on a self-reliant and distant learning basis, in addition to the regular Physical Education classes, the Experimental Group trainings included special breathing, individual physical qualities improvement, and self-suggesting practices for success of the mental control service.

Keywords: psychophysical training model, physical education, questionnaire survey


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