GTO complex pre-test training model for 50-59 year-old teachers: programmatic and practical guidelines


D.V. Loginov
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk

Objective of the study was to offer and test benefits of a GTO Complex pre-test volleyball-driven training model for the 50-59 years old teachers, with programmatic and practical guidelines.
Methods and structure of the study. The new training model prioritized the health sporting volleyball (HSV) practices with systemic theoretical and practical training elements and gradually increased repeated physical workloads to secure good morphological and functional progress.
Results and conclusion. GTO Complex pre-test training model for the 50-59 year-old teachers, in addition to the core volleyball practices, included a variety of track and field sports, skiing, Nordic walking and strength gymnastics practices. Physical progress of the sample was profiled by the age-specific GTO Complex Class 9 tests including 2000m race, pull-ups, bench leans, and recumbent-to-sit time tests; with trainings for all other tests of the complex run on a self-reliant theoretical and practical training basis. The individual progresses were encouraged by the personal-needs-sensitive training service with the individual training and progress test trajectories and self-reliant training elements as dictated by the personality health agendas. The GTO Complex pre-test training model for the 50-59 year-old teachers with a special priority to the HSV practices was found beneficial, particularly due to the wide range of the customizable training methods, technologies and theoretical and practical training tools sensitive to the age-specific mental control and physical progress needs of the trainees

Keywords: teacher, GTO Complex, programmatic and practical guidelines, training model, training system


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