Blended learning for future bachelors of institute of physical culture


PhD, Associate Professor S.N. Tregubova
Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the combined application of the distance and traditional learning techniques under the Bachelor’s degree courses 49.03.01 – "Physical Education", 49.03.02 – "Physical Education for Disabled People (Adaptive Physical Education)», 49.03.03 – "Recreation and Sports and Recreational Tourism".
Methods and structure of the study. To assess the efficiency of the experimental methodology, we determined the level of competence formation in the students. The following levels were analyzed: high (Level I), above average (Level II), and average (Level III), which were related to the marks obtained by the students in the two types of control tests - course work and exam. The educational experiment involved the 3rd-4th-year students of Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture. (Control Group – n=98, Experimental Group – n=95).
The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to assess the data distribution normality in the samples. The W-criterion of randomness by Wilcoxon was used to determine the significance of differences both within and between the samples.
Results and conclusions.  The results of the educational experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the developed teaching method in the context of the combined application of distance and traditional learning techniques. It proved the prevalence of the high level of competence formation in the Experimental Group students (71%) as opposed to the results obtained in the Control Group subjects (33%), in terms of blended learning.

Keywords: blended learning, distance learning and traditional learning.


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