Hormone profiling based individualized fitness model for senior women
Master student M.A. Sharovarova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.T. Kolunin1
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen
Summary: The research purpose is establishing of theoretical and experimental scientific basis of fitness individualization among second mature age women basing on their biochemical markers.
Methodology and structure of the research. To achieve the goals of the research following methods were used: survey, observation, anthropometry, functional diagnostics, biochemical blood tests.
Experimental research was conducted in the “City Fitness” fitness clubs, Tumen city, August-October 2020. Women of the second mature age group took part in the experiment. Anthropometry, functional diagnostics and surveys were conducted by fitness trainers and medical personnel of the fitness clubs. Biochemical blood tests were done by a clinical laboratory and results were interpreted by an endocrinologist.
Results and conclusions. Basing on the summary of tests a personalized 8 week training program for each test subject was created. Goals of the training were: improving health conditions, reducing fat percentage and body weight. The research showed the importance and effectiveness of individual planning of fitness programs in the second mature age women group basing on their blood biochemical markers. It’s confirmed by positive change in morpho-functional indexes of the test subjects during the period of the experiment. Results of the experiment and the planning approach can and should be applied and used in work with professional athletes to increase effectiveness of the training process, trauma and overexertion reduction.
Keywords: individualization of training process, fitness, hormone and biochemical condition, load dosing of physical activity.
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