Training load intensity as key factor in training long-distance swimmers within yearly training cycle


Dr.Hab., Professor V.R. Solomatin1
E.K. Inake1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to optimize the intensity of training loads imposed on highly-qualified swimmers within an annual training cycle.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out on the basis of "Neftyanik" children and youth sport school of Olympic reserve and sports schools of Surgut and involved the 16-17 year-old long-distance swimmers qualified Candidates for Master of Sport (n=20). The volume of training loads of various intensity was calculated for each macrocycle.
Results and conclusions. The greater part of the training loads imposed on long-distance swimmers must be performed at the level of anaerobic threshold (20-25% of the total training volume). Trainings at the level of anaerobic threshold were found to contribute to the economization of the bodily functions and high performance of the athletes. The focus of the training loads on the anaerobic alactic capacity of the athletes (6-8% of the total training volume) enabled to improve their competitive results by enhancing their turning skills (29 turns at the 1,500 m distance), as well as significantly increase the swimming speed.

Keywords: swimming, training loads, intensity, annual training cycle, long-distance swimmers, anaerobic threshold.


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