Psycho-regulation to build mental reliability in fencers


PhD in psychology O.V. Korshunova1
PhD in psychology, Associate Professor I.G. Stanislavskayа1
Dr. Sc. Phil., Professor G.M. Biryukova1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health,
2St. Petersburg (Lesgaft NSU, St. Petersburg), Russia

Objective of the study is to determine the possibility of improving the mental reliability of fencers in competitive activities based on the use of psychoregulation tools in the activities of fencers aged 18-24.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study involved 27 athletes (16 men and 11 women), the sport of fencing. The athletes ' training experience ranged from 6 to 13 years, with sports qualifications ranging from KMS to MSMC. In the course of the study, the mental reliability of athletes was diagnosed. The methods of psychoregulation used by athletes were determined. Athletes evaluated the effectiveness of psychoregulation techniques and answered questionnaire questions, assessing the level of their ability to self-regulate before and after the experiment.
The selection of methods of psychoregulation for training athletes was carried out taking into account the specifics of the sport, age, self-assessment of the behavior and mental state of the athlete at competitions.
Research results and conclusions. The study of the development of mental reliability of athletes-fencers by means of psychoregulation, including autogenic and psychomuscular training, showed that the components of mental reliability in athletes and female athletes engaged in fencing had reduced values before the experiment, with the exception of the motivational and energy component. Athletes of this sport quite actively use certain techniques of psychoregulation. In the process of practical use of such methods of self-regulation as autogenic and psychomuscular training, the indicator of stability and noise immunity (in the group of male athletes) became positive, and the indicator of the motivational and energy component acquired a higher positive value (p≤0,05). In the group of female athletes, the indicators of self-regulation and the motivational-energy component acquired a positive value (p≤0,05).

Keywords: mentalreliability, psychoregulation, self-regulationresources.


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