Physiological features of mechanisms to compensate for metabolic shifts in skilled orienteering athletes under competitive loads


PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Biryukova1
PhD, Associate Professor D.R. Khusainov1
Senior teacher N.P. Mishin1
Dr. Biol., Associate Professor S.V. Pogodina1
Dr. Biol., Professor E. N. Chuyan1
1Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol

Objective of the study was to identify the physiological features of the mechanisms to compensate for the shifts in the acid-base balance and cation-anion homeostasis in skilled orienteering athletes under competitive loads.
Methods and structure of the study. The field and laboratory tests included the measurements of the main functional parameters of the skilled orienteering athletes (heart rate, maximum oxygen consumption), as well as the biochemical indicators of the acid-base balance and ion concentration of the blood (lactate and creatinine rates, concentrations of the hydrogen, chlorine, coal acid, sodium, potassium, and calcium ions). The study was conducted with the use of the hardware and software complex for gas analysis of the exhaled air, Epoc reader and Epoc host blood analysis systems, and lactate analyzer. Also, the integral indicators (anionic gaps) were calculated and the Davenport nomogram was constructed.
Results and conclusions. The study found that competitive loads lead to the development in skilled orienteering athletes of increased-anion gap metabolic acidosis, with respiratory alkalosis being the main compensatory mechanism. Moreover, the base excess (BE-ecf, BE-b) and anion gap (Agap, AgapK) rates serve as the informative markers of shifts in the acid-base balance both in the cluster and individual analyses. The pH rates obtained during the cluster analysis had a low informative value.

Keywords: physiological features, compensatory processes, metabolic shifts, acid-base balance, blood ion concentration, competitive loads, skilled orienteering athletes.


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