Special physical training means to develop strength endurance in taekwondokas


Dr. Hab., Professor M.A. Vershinin1
Dr. Biol., Associate Professor V.A. Likhodeeva1
A.Y. Vorontsov1
1Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd

Objective of the study was to determine the effects of different means of special physical training on strength endurance of taekwondokas performing attacking actions.
Methods and structure of the study. Subject to the study were 30 taekwondokas aged 15-17 years (sports category – 1st senior degree and Candidate Master of Sport). The subjects were divided into three groups based on the admission assessment rates. The athletes were trained six times a week using different means for the development of their strength endurance. Group 1 (n=10) was asked to fulfill a set of tasks aimed to develop the strength endurance of the muscles involved in the hook kick (three times a week) and strove for the maximum performance rates in the upstairs runs of different lengths. Group 2 (n=10) did not perform upstairs runs during their trainings, instead, they were to hit the sandbag for 5, 10, and 15 seconds with a different number of sets per exercise. Group 3 (n=10) was trained without using special exercises or exercises with the sandbag but performed practical tasks related to hook kicks to different pieces of training equipment and sparring fights. The statistical processing of the data obtained was made using the parametric Student’s t-test.
Results and conclusions. The test data and analysis indicated that, in absolute terms, the greatest increase in the strength endurance rates was demonstrated by the combat athletes who trained using interval upstairs runs, rather than by those who used exercises with weights and other special physical training means.

Keywords: taekwondo, strength endurance, special physical training, hook kick in taekwondo, interval upstairs run.


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