Integral assessment of children's playing talent at preliminary stage of sports qualification


PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Burtseva1
PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Burtsev1
PhD, Associate Professor V.T. Nikonorov2
1Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan
2I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University, Cheboksary

Keywords: game giftedness, integral assessment, preliminary stage of sports selection, criteria of game giftedness, selected sport.

Introduction. One of the key conditions at the preliminary stage of sports selection, which determines the effectiveness of sports activities, is the timely detection of early signs of motor giftedness in children [1]. The implementation of this condition will allow, on the one hand, to reveal the motor potential in order to identify the most gifted children in their chosen sport, on the other-to outline the prospects for the development of children's sports talent in the process of long-term training. At the same time, empirical studies of the motor giftedness of children in game sports, where high requirements are placed on the interaction of team players, are of particular scientific relevance. Under the game talent, we understand the ability of the player to effectively solve a complex of technical and tactical tasks in the context of the integration of team-game interaction.
The aim of the study is to theoretically model and experimentally test the most informative criteria and indicators for assessing children's play ability at the preliminary stage of sports selection.
Methodology and organization of the study. The main task at the preliminary stage of sports selection is an integral assessment of motor abilities in order to increase the effectiveness of the process of sports improvement. The necessary conditions for the integral assessment of children's play talent at the preliminary stage of sports selection are: compliance of the anthropometric and morphological parameters of the physique with the specifics of the game activity in the chosen sport; the integral ability of the functional systems of the body to provide a mechanism for adaptive changes in response to training loads; a high level of development of general and special abilities that meet the regulatory requirements of game sports; a high degree of learning ability associated with accelerated dynamics of growth in competitive results; a high level of psychological predisposition to team-game interaction.
The results of the study and their discussion. As a result of the factor analysis, we found that the informative criteria for the integral assessment of the qualitative parameters of children's play talent at the preliminary stage of sports selection are: compliance of the constitutional features of the physique with the model characteristics (35 %); high level of development of general (55 %) and special (47 %) abilities; increased psychophysical performance (32 %); high learning ability (42 %); positive motivation for systematic classes (45 %); psychophysical readiness for training and competitive loads (42 %); growth of sports results (35 %).
Conclusion. The results of the study indicate that the identified criteria and parameters are informative for the integral assessment of children's play talent at the preliminary stage of sports selection.


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