Updating educational technology for fencer training tactical knowledge and skills building


Dr.Hab., Associate Professor L.G. Ryzhkova1
Postgraduate student A.D. Kravtsov1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: pedagogical technology, tactical knowledge and skills, stages of sports training, training of fencers, test tasks.

Introduction. The basis of the tactical skill of fencers is tactical knowledge, skills, skills and, of course, tactical thinking. Obtaining and transforming special information that allows you to make a decision in accordance with the current situation in extreme competition conditions is necessary for the successful implementation of the tactical intentions of the participants in the battles [1].
The aim of the study is to develop and test the pedagogical technology of mastering and assimilating tactical knowledge, the formation of specialized skills in fencers of different ages and different sports qualifications, which contribute to a more effective counteraction to rivals in competitions.
Methodology and organization of the study. To conduct the study, a battery of tests was developed, which included the most common situations in the types of fencing fights with tactical information about the actions of the enemy, selected for the start of fights. The assessment of the level of tactical knowledge and skills was performed using a video recording of the test subjects, which allowed us to determine the time to prepare the task, as well as the time to perform the selected actions. The study was conducted over 3 years in several stages in connection with the participation of athletes specializing in different types of fencing and differing levels of sports qualifications: at the stage of initial training with rapiers of 11-12 years, the method of "exploration-action" was used; at the stage of initial specialization with skewers of 13-14 years, the method of "verbal attitude of the coach"; at the stage of in – depth specialization with sabers of 15-16 years, the method of "independent choice and verbal attitude of the athlete" was used.»; at the stage of improving sports skills with rapier players 16-17 years old – the method of modeling "probabilistic sequence of actions in combat"; at the stage of higher sports skills with sabers 17-18 years old – the method of modeling "probabilistic forecasting when choosing and consistently applying alternative actions in combat".
The results of the study and their discussion. Pedagogical experiments allowed us to record a significant (p<0.01) improvement in the indicators of the time for preparation (comprehension) and the time for performing the action in all exercises in the experimental groups. The analysis of variance allowed us to establish that the degree of influence of the factor (method) in the experimental groups was at the level of 70-80%.
Conclusion. The expediency of the proposed pedagogical technology for the formation of tactical knowledge and skills in the long-term training of athletes, which is a tool of the training process, is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine the set and layout of forms, tools, methods, methods, and methods of training, and is aimed at the consistent implementation of a pre-planned training process.


  1. Ryzhkova L. G. Formation and development of tactical knowledge and skills in the system of long-term training of athletes (on the example of fencing): autoref.dis. ... Doctor of pedagogical sciences / L. G. Ryzhkova – - M., 2016. - 48 p.