Building complex reaction speed ​​in esports


PhD A.S. Talan1
PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Novoselov1
A.K. Slozhenikin1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: esports players, methodology, game episodes, simulation, esports platform.

Introduction. Practice shows that using the method of modeling game episodes, you can significantly develop the speed of complex reactions in game sports, as well as increase the reliability and efficiency of technical and tactical actions.
The purpose of the study is to develop and justify a methodology for developing the speed of complex reaction in esports.
Methodology and organization of the study. The technique is primarily aimed at players in team shooters (Counter-Strike, RainbowSix, etc.), in which the esports player constantly gets into a large number of different game situations. As part of the research, a methodology was developed and a software product was designed, which was implemented on a highly loaded esports platform.
The results of the study and their discussion. The methodology for developing the speed of complex reaction in esports includes:
Processing of game data on the effectiveness of the use of technical and tactical actions by the player before the start of training.
Compiling a list of the most common game episodes in these esports disciplines by interviewing professional players and coaches.
Description of technical and tactical actions that are most effective in each game episode.
Simulation of game episodes using the tournament platform in the test format: preparation of screenshots of game episodes, preparation of answer options.
Evaluation of the test results.
Ensuring that the arsenal of competitive technical and tactical actions meets the requirements of the developed game episodes.
Processing of game data on the effectiveness of the use of technical and tactical actions by the player after training.
Conclusions. Developed and implemented for further experiments as a software product, a method for modeling conditions and situations of competitive activity in order to train the speed of complex reactions of esports players on the platform


  1. Novoselov M. A. Actualization of scientific support of computer sports / M. A. Novoselov, E. N. Skarzhinskaya / / Physical culture: education, education, training. - 2017. - No. 3. - pp. 39-40.