Innovative approach to teaching physical education


PhD, Associate Professor B.Kh. Landa
Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov, Kazan

Keywords: physical culture, training, activity and competence approaches.

Introduction. The level of educational orientation of the subject "Physical Culture", its insufficient methodological and informational support reduce the interest of students in physical activity.
The purpose of the study is to build an educational process that can arouse the interest, need and motivation of students to study the discipline "Physical Culture".
Methodology and organization of research. The author's methods containing three technological stages are used in the work: measurements, calculations and evaluation of the obtained experimental data [1, 2]. The standard curriculum on the subject of FC in the 1st year was supplemented by training students to work with devices and tools to fill out the map of actual measurements. Work with the five sections of the map: general, indicators of physical development, physical fitness, functional fitness and level of knowledge – continued in the 2nd year. The lecture course, along with theoretical material that implements a competence-based approach to learning, included mandatory homework and workshops that implement an activity-based approach. In addition to educational, methodological, scientific and periodical literature, the following videos were mandatory sources of information: "Immobility – a threat to civilization"; "Return to youth"; "Longevity", textbooks by B. H. Landa. The practical material was aimed at determining the biological age, the functional state of the central nervous system (tapping test, Romberg test), the reaction of the CCC to physical activity (Rufier index), the level of physical development, physical and functional fitness, the reserves of the body systems, the level of compliance with the norms of the TRP complex. Homework assignments included the study of materials on the system of natural health improvement by N. M. Amosov, V. F. Bazarny, V. K. Balsevich, and G. S. Shatalova; and also about the use of digital technologies in the field of physical culture and sports, about the standards of the WFSK TRP.
The results of the study and their discussion. The effectiveness of the study was evaluated exclusively by students. Their statements are given: "The practical result of the course is in understanding the importance of the presence of physical culture in life, in knowledge about the methods of analyzing one's own health indicators. Now I can measure and calculate them", "Various systems of natural healing and literature concerning the structure of a person and the work of his body have aroused special interest" , etc.
Conclusion. The work carried out caused active amateur activity of students to measure, calculate and evaluate their health, and confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed innovative technology.
Gratitude. The scientific article was supported by a grant from the Kazan Innovation University named after V. G. Timiryasov, aimed at increasing the publication activity of scientists.


  1. Landa B. H. Diagnostics of physical condition: teaching methods and technology: textbook. stipend. [Series of VFSK GTO], - M.: Publishing house. "Sport", 2017. - 128 p.
  2. Landa B. Kh. Methodology of comprehensive assessment of physical development and physical fitness: textbook. manual, 5th ed., ispr. and add. - M.: Publishing House "Soviet sport", 2011-348 p.